Wednesday, February 29, 2012

DirecTV's Loathsome "Get our service or ELSE" series continues....

Don't become obsessed with your television (or any other piece of technology, for that matter,) and you won't experience sudden fits of irrational anger if that technology happens to misfire on occasion.

If you don't experience sudden fits of irrational anger, you might develop a relationship with that person you happen to share a house with. The one you said you loved, once, before you discovered your television (or I Phone, or I Pad, etc.)

If you develop a relationship with that person you happen to share a house with, you might learn to communicate with that person. Face to face. Without texting.

If you learn to communicate with that person, she might not mistake momentary acts of frustration as signs of having "anger issues." Because, you see, she actually knows who you are beyond Guy Who Used To Love Me But Now Just Stares At His Stupid Technology.

Message: If you want to keep your relationship intact, turn off the freaking TV, power down the stupid phone, and spend some time with the actual human being who makes up the other half of said relationship.

On the other hand, if you ignore all this advice and just upgrade your cable package, you are far more likely to lose contact with the outside world, see friends drift away and out of your life, stop caring about stuff like grooming, and seek solace from your bitter world of "connectivity" and instant-gratification media by making your home a refuge for stray cats.

I'm not sure this was the intended message, but it's sure what I got out of it.


  1. A lot of people associated with animal rescues have been voicing their displeasure over this ad to DirctTV, myself included. Those who end up like this do so because they choose not to associate with others, such as those who choose TV and the 'net over face-to-face interaction, and those people are too busy watching 'their shows' to become animal hoarders.

  2. I wonder what the next stupid scenario will be. So far, it's been "Cut yourself off from society or your child will marry one of THOSE people just to spite you" or "Cut yourself off from society or you'll end up cut off from society" so the next one is going to have to be pretty weird too.

  3. Tegel Outlet
    nice post Thanks for sharing this

  4. "Cut yourself off from society or you'll end up cut off from society." I wish I had thought of that.

  5. We used to tell writers not to write commercials using "borrowed interest." This series could be used as a demonstration of how not to do that. The first one was kind of funny. The Charlie Sheen ad jumped the shark. How do you run out of good ideas when you have no ideas to begin with?
