Saturday, February 22, 2014

eHarmony's creepy "Granddaughter" ad: I don't want to imagine Show and Tell at this girl's school....

Maybe it's because I'm a teacher.  Maybe it's because I'm a particularly private person.  But I don't think so.  I think I'm perfectly justified in thinking that this kid's teacher has no business discussing his relationship status with his students.

I mean, think about it.  This awdowable pwecious wittle girl with the adowable pwecious speeth disowdah is not only aware that her male teacher has a new girlfriend, but that he met her through an online website.  She even knows that website is NOT eHarmony....shouldn't Teacher be, I don't know, TEACHING instead of discussing this with the class?

Then again, she knows her uber-creepy grandfather makes his living by operating a dating website that "has all the hot babes," so maybe she's used to having inappropriate conversations with old guys.  Still, I think a call to the school would be more than appropriate here.  BOUNDARIES, people.  BOUNDARIES!


  1. All I think of when I see this little lying B(censored)h is: future presidential press secretary. She seems more than capable of spinning reality to whatever she wants it to be. Oh, and she tells it so Cwutsey wootsy they're bound to belive her.

  2. Oh my God really... you're over thinking it just a tad. It is a commercial. Who cares!?!??! Everything you see on TV is not real .. neither is Santa Clause or the Easter Bunny. She is cute and actually looks like this guys real life granddaughter. She is probably proud as a peacock to be on this commercial and she obviously has you all talking about it so it was obviously an effective advertising tactic, especially since you know every single word and detail.

    1. Wow, you sure put a lot of energy and emotion into defending a commercial. And I'M "overthinking it a tad?" Are you a stockholder in this company, or what?

    2. For real. But no wonder. Grandpa is the creepy patriarch!

  3. I'm so glad other people despise this commercial as much as I do. I didn't even think about the inappropriate aspect of it, but you're totally right! I have to mute the tv every time it comes on because it's so over-the-top cutesy-wootsy it makes me want to puke.

  4. The whole thing is creepy. Yes, how does she know so much about her teacher's love life? Bizarre. Neil Warren is creepy, though, too. My first thought wasn't even the teacher angle, though. It was what is his granddaughter doing discussing this stuff at all? And the only kid I know of who wore braids like that was back in a movie called "The Bad Seed" back in about 1955....The whole company is odd, but if it's brought anyone together with their soul mate, bravo to them.

  5. Damn do I hate this commercial...have to mute it every time. The combination of the creepiness of the kid knowing her teacher's dating life and her annoying Elmer Fudd speech about "mow mawwiages" is a twofer that's hard to beat.

  6. But in the realm of eHarmony commercials, this is actually tame. I get creeped out by Warren's voyeuristic commercials. The ones where he is drooling over the young couples are pretty bad (is he thinking of a three-way?). The latest one has a bunch of folks breaking in on a couple making out. Can't quite tell if Warren is there, but it should not be watched if you have eaten recently.

  7. But this one is pretty tame on the creepy scale compared to many. In the ones where he is droolling over a young couple, is he hoping for a three-way? And the latest one has a group of people breaking in on a couple making out. Can't tell if he is there, but he has a smirk on his face that suggests he is watching them.

  8. I think she's creepy and probably a spoiled little snob.

  9. He's creepy too. And my first thought was "the bad seed" Paula!

    1. LMAO, I thought the same thing, too, the whole creepy commercial could be part of a modern remake of The Bad Seed, Paula and her Granddad rather then Paul Drake aka clueless army officer.

      Readers, you need to watch The Bad Seed, I believe it was original a play, the movie comes off as one, just one scary, creepy movie. Do I smell; bacon, at the end of the pier?
