Friday, May 6, 2016

I almost feel sorry for the guy in this Behr Paint commercial

The look of sheer terror that appears on this guy's face when he finds out that his girlfriend will be arriving earlier than expected is, I suspect, supposed to be funny.  I don't find it funny.  He practically wets himself in panic as he rushes to complete a ridiculous paint job (one coat of white over- what the hell is that?  Purple? Seriously?) in record time, not only avoiding a single drop of paint landing anywhere other than the walls- not on his clothes, the wall, anywhere- but apparently not even leaving a freaking fresh paint smell.

Back to this woman- the way she's shown approaching, it's pretty easy to imagine that her would-be fiancee is in for a serious beat-down if that paint job is NOT done on time.  She walks into the apartment like she's going to tear him in half if she even suspects he did a rush job.  Was he supposed to paint this place a week earlier and just f--ked off, figuring he had plenty of time?  Does that even matter?  I mean, jesus, who the hell would buy in to this?  She's not THAT good looking!

Anyway, congratulations Eurotrash doofus for managing to get that painting done- and everything cleaned up just right- before She stepped in the door.  Now you can hand her that rock and set yourself up for forty years of being absolutely terrified of her.  Way to go.  I'm sure you deserve each other.  Have fun waking up in a cold sweat every once in a while after dreaming that you forgot to buy toothpaste.


  1. The Behr paint-and-primer-in-one is pretty amazing (and just one coat does cover forest green, black, etc.), but this commercial is the height of ridiculousness, especially when Jack McAss paints his $1M+ pre-war apartment the same color as the USS Ronald Reagan, including the trim. The place looks like a high-rise converted to a medium security prison.

  2. THANK YOU for saying every word you typed! I found this article only because I was truly, utterly baffled by this ad. Who is this ad speaking to? Why is he scared of the woman he wants to spend the rest of his life with? Why is he a nerd and she a meh vixen in red? So many questions. It's like their commercial is the ending of romantic comedy and we're supposed to know this story & it's characters. Ugh! Thank you for articulating my clear frustration with the ad I can't seem to escape.

  3. I've been bothered by this commercial too! It appears to me that he is paining light purple over the dark purple! What is the point?

  4. Is the idea that unless this room is painted to perfection, she will say no when he asks her to marry him?

  5. At a loss! This commercial doesn't help us remember the brand. It only asks the question ""why is this poor slob painting over everything that ppears to be a deep shade of purple, with a lighter shade of purple?" The expression on the women's face looks as though she is questioning the same!

  6. I think it's because her shoes are the same color as the original wall color and he wants everything perfect?
