Your review could not be posted. Thanks for submitting a customer review on Amazon. Your review could not be posted to the website in its current form. While we appreciate your time and comments, reviews must adhere to the following guidelines: |
Came in three parts, no instructions and after struggling ... Came in three parts, no instructions and after struggling for a while couldn't figure out how to put it together and will be returning then (I bought two to "save money on shipping"- doesn't save me any money if I have to send them back.) I see I am the second customer of the 12 to review this item with this problem. Seems to me that sending instructions would be more helpful than just replying "sorry, return it," especially when you are selling an item specificially to people with mobility issues. |
We encourage you to revise your review and submit it again. A few common issues to keep in mind:
"Your review should focus on specific features of the product and your experience with it."
I explained how it came in pieces and I was unable to assemble it. Check.
"We do not allow profane or obscene content." Nor did I include any. Check.
"Advertisements, promotional material or repeated posts that make the same point excessively are considered spam." Didn't include any of this. Check.
"Please do not include URLs external to Amazon or personally identifiable content in your review." Check.
Someone please tell me how my review violated Amazon's guidelines. Or just assure me that I am not crazy in suspecting that Amazon has decided that poor reviews are simply not going to be made visible to potential customers because Amazon doesn't make money unless people buy the stuff advertised on it's site.
I can assure you I will avoid doing any kind of business with Amazon. Ever!
ReplyDeleteI think it was Amazon that my brother gave me a $50 gift card for as a Christmas present a few years back.
When I typed in the pin number on the card their site didn't recognize it, if I'm not mistaken.
I later sent the gift card back to my brother, stating "I can't use this. Maybe you might be able to get something out of it".