Saturday, September 14, 2019

Depressing that this College GameDay Commercial is 7 years old...

...because seven years later, Lee Corso is still sucking oxygen out of every Saturday morning with his nonsensical dribbling over young men one-fourth his age, regularly interrupting to spew disconnected cliche'd BS because for some reason ESPN thinks he's still relevant in covering a sport Corso coached until his retirement in 1984.  In other words, a sport Corso knows nothing about and has known nothing about for more than thirty years.*

Oh, but he's been doing this gig since the show debuted in 1987, so....well, no, that doesn't do it for me, either.  Like Joe Paterno,** Lee Corso is here every Saturday morning because he always has been, never mind that he no longer does anything except suck up time from the braying jackasses who are trying to establish themselves as solid TV performers before ESPN finally admits that it's become an irrelevant antique in the Brave New World of the Internet and they are forced to find cameras owned by profitable networks.   I guess he's just a familiar face- like Paterno, or Chris Berman, or (extending the analysis beyond football) Chris Matthews, invited back year after year because what the hell sure he's got nothing to say and no one can remember the last time he had anything to say but he's kind of an Institution and we viewers can always hit the mute button when he starts spitting stream of consciousness blather at the audience.

*Not that Corso knew a whole lot about football when he was a coach, unless you think that a lifetime record of 73-85-6 marks him as some kind of college football guru who ought to be given a 35-year-and-counting contract to ramble incoherently about the sport he had two good years coaching half a century ago.

**We all know that Paterno wasn't the actual coach of Penn State for at least the last ten seasons he had the title.  He spent some entire games in the freaking owner's box "managing the game" by phone, for chrissakes.  His absolute lack of involvement was his main defense during the abuse scandal.  Yet every week he was the focus of commentary during every Penn State game, as he accepted praise for work being done by his assistant coaches.

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