Friday, July 12, 2024

Optima Tax Relief- remember, everybody, Louie is supposed to be the VICTIM here....


"The IRS finally caught up to Louie..." after eight years of Louie avoiding paying his fair share for living in a society financed by other people's money, Louie got caught.  So not only was Louie not contributing, but he put an extra burden on society by making the government use precious resources to track him down and require him to accept responsibility like an adult.  

Except, Louie doesn't accept responsibility like an adult.  After telling us straight out that he avoided paying taxes for eight years, he starts whining about the consequences of his actions..."THEY are going to take my house, THEY are going to garnish my paycheck, THEY don't care..." Louie acts like a kid who has been caught shoplifting- "they put me in the back of a police car, they took me to the station, they charged me with a crime, like they don't care that I have things to do and this could have an impact on my life!"  No hint that he recognizes the percentage of fault that belongs to him (100 percent, btw.)

I guess Louie was really upset that he got caught - "Optima Tax Relief calmed me down, they made me feel comfortable."  Yeah, that's the important thing- that you feel "comfortable."  The shoplifter should be apologized to repeatedly by the police officer on the way to the station.  Maybe given a Comfort Animal to pet or something.

"I was able to live a better life, a more comfortable life...." there again we have that word "comfortable."  Most of us feel "comfortable" because we know we aren't cheating our way through the years, avoiding paying taxes because it's not convenient.  We feel "comfortable" when we live within our means and pay our bills- and that includes paying income tax owed.  And those of us who AREN'T children don't harbor resentment at the authorities when we skip out on paying our legitimate share of the burden and then get caught.  Grow up, Louie.

Louie got relief with Optima Tax when he probably should have spent time in jail.  Crimes without Consequences come from Laws not worth Respecting.  Why are the vast majority of us paying our bills on time, allowing the system to function correctly, when Louie and his ilk can just skate through his responsibilities with a smile on his face and a chuckle in his voice?

Louie is a terrible person who should be ashamed of himself, but anyone who can boldly declare that he's a crook who didn't make any effort to repair his ways until he was caught has obviously tossed aside his shame as an annoying relic of the past that simply doesn't apply to him Because Reasons.  Judging from the sound of his voice he hasn't learned a damn thing and he's going to be in trouble with the Mean Old IRS again in no time at all.   Maybe Optima Tax Relief will hire him to give us another whinefest like this one.  I'll be ready. 

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