Saturday, July 27, 2024

The mouth-watering, life-shortening diet of Hampton Beach NH

If your mouth waters at the smell of deep-fried Everything Except Maybe Ice Cream* then I suppose that yes, walking along the boardwalk at Hampton Beach in New Hampshire is "mouth watering." But if you don't turn your brain off before going on vacation, you'll avoid most of the Cheap Except for the Cost "food" being offered from the holes in the wall that pass for restaurants.   Your heart and other organs will thank you for ignoring your stomach's attempt to kill you.

Anyway, this is where I'll be until next Saturday night.  Enjoy the archives until then!

*Yes, you can get deep-fried ice cream at Hampton Beach.  And Snicker's Bars.  And vegetables- going on vacation is no excuse to stop eating your vegetables (major eyeroll.)

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