Monday, August 12, 2024

Another look at this stupid OnDeck Commercial


The dystopian universe in which this unassuming donut shop exists includes a small business that is so successful in its sale of a 100 percent unnecessary, at least 90 percent unhealthy product that people are lined up around the block to purchase.  A successful business that nonetheless has zero relationship with an actual bank and has to go to some sketchy online-only loan company to get some extra operating cash. 

A business that is successful despite the fact that it appears to be operated by two total schmucks too cheap to even hire cashiers so they can tend to the more important operations.  Yeah, the co-owners of the company are handling the transfer of goods to the public; sure, that's how it works.  And interrupting the sales to apply for a loan.  Because Brains and Time-Management Skills are not needed in this universe. 

Except for the broken glass and possibly injured customers, its hard to see how OnDeck can beat the "Loan Falcon," which flies in to drop money without even getting a signature on a contract in return.  If the money is right, I'll clean up the glass, and it really doesn't look like anyone got hurt, so no harm done in that regard- I'm picking Loan Falcon to drop free money on me.  Heck, I'll take Loan Falcon over a legitimate BANK loan.  Who wouldn't?  Maybe these two idiots, because they are from the generation that thinks if it isn't provided through the tapping of a screen on a phone or at least a tablet, it's Your Grandfather's loan options and totally lame, yo. 

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