Sunday, August 18, 2024

Because they are on XM Radio all the time....another comment on Ox Car "care" commercials


The most unintentionally funny part of the radio ads is when we hear a guy say "my mechanic recommended Ox Car Care."  Why is this line so funny?  

1.  Why would a mechanic recommend any car warranty at all?  Mechanics- like any other provider of services- like to deal directly with customers.  Why would any recommend a middle man?  Do mechanics LIKE additional paperwork?  How is this better than getting handed a credit card by the customer to pay for the repair?

2.  Why would a mechanic recommend OX CAR CARE?  Do mechanics like having to go back to customers to say "sorry, that work I did for you will not be covered by this non-insurance insurance?"  Do they LIKE having repaired cars sitting in their lot?  Do they LIKE not getting paid for work done, unable to pay for parts and labor because a scammy warranty "service" and the customer keep insisting that the other is responsible?  Now imagine being the mechanic who recommended Ox Car Care- how do you then turn around and insist that the customer pay for a repair that is not covered by the COMPANY YOU RECOMMENDED?  

Oh wait, maybe you own a big lot and your real business is charging storage fees?  Maybe this conspiracy is deeper than I thought?

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