Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Let's be honest, Sono Bello...


....or at least, let's be more honest with our customers than our customers are with themselves.

You're offering a magic bullet/potion to "fix" a problem that took years to create.  Building visceral fat doesn't take as long as building muscle, and it's a hell of a lot easier, but it doesn't happen overnight, either.  Problems that develop over time require solutions that also take time.  I don't care how much money you have, you aren't fixing a lifetime of bad habits with one visit- or a thousand- to Sono Bello.

Once these people have gone through the procedure to remove the excess energy built up over years of overeating and under-moving, what then?  99 percent of them will go right back to the unhealthy habits that made them customers of Sono Bello (and before that, "fad" or "crash" diets) and gain all the weight back.  Social Media is saturated with so-called "Fat Activists" who like to tell us that "99% of diets fail" and "99% of people who lose weight gain it all back within a few years."  It's practically an article of faith.  But it's a perfect example of lying with statistics.  A "diet" is used to lose weight.  If you can't stick with it (and there are approximately 8000 diets out there that will help you lose weight but aren't sustainable) you'll go right back to your old habits and, yes, gain the weight back because such diets aren't a "cure" for the problem of excess weight. 

The key is to use the other definition of "diet:" the food one regularly consumes for energy.  To lose, gain or maintain weight, change your daily diet.  Adding movement helps, but regulating the intake of calories is the key.  You'll get the same results offered by Sono Bello- but you'll also decrease your chances of developing Type 2 Diabetes, Heart Disease, Fatty Liver Disease, multiple types of cancer,  etc.  Sono Bello doesn't offer any of that- just a quick, less painful, more expensive version of a crash diet.  With the same (temporary) results.

Bottom Line:  If Sono Bello was honest with its customers, it would offer a Buy Nine Get the 10th Free punchcard along with the first visit.  Because these happy customers will be back.  Again and again.  Wasting money on a 100 percent unnecessary surgical procedure instead of putting in the hard work of simply changing their diet.  It's sad, but I bet it's really popular.  Magic Pill offers always are.

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