Wednesday, August 21, 2024

The Evil Genius of LinkedIn Ads (Part II)


Apparently, "Being Professional" means nothing more than "having a job" or even simply "being human."  

Hey, guess what?  I can do this without LinkedIn.  Now, how do I go about convincing LinkedIn of this?

But from LinkedIn's point of view, "Being Professional" also means remaining tied to LinkedIn even if you aren't looking for a job or seeking help.  It means getting endless Emails urging you to check out who is looking you up, what everyone else is doing, and in short using a "service" you don't really need and aren't at all interested in using because you're already employed, don't need the ads, or simply Have a Life.  A life in which too much time is spent trying to Unsubscribe from LinkedIn.

Sorry, but I'm not interested in spending several minutes every day Congratulating people I haven't seen or heard from in years for their Anniversary at Their Latest Address That Pays Them.  Call me distant, but I just don't care if someone I worked with, taught, or knew casually twenty years ago posted something about something that has nothing to do with me.  I don't need LinkedIn cluttering my inbox with notices that this or that person has done this or that thing at this or that company.  I'm simply.  Not. Interested.  Because I simply. Don't. Care.

But again- good luck Unsubscribing.  It ain't happening.  The Facebook of Capitalism will never let you go.  So remember this person? They posted an update. Go check it out.  NOW.

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