Saturday, August 10, 2024

The most important word in this Credit Repair Ad was the one you didn't hear


...although, to the writer's credit, it was repeated at least once. 

That word is "inaccurate," as in "inaccurate lines on your credit report can hurt your score" and "we can help remove inaccurate reports that damage your credit."  This is the ONLY thing that "Credit Repair" companies can do that will help improve one's credit score.

The problem is that for the vast majority of people who are attracted to ads like this  (I'm going to throw my guess of 99.99 percent,) their poor credit score has nothing to do with "errors" or "inaccuracies" and are instead completely justifiable by a fair audit of their finances and history of borrowing.  In life, things happen- unexpected medical bills, loss of job, etc.- which can damage one's credit but should not be used to condemn the victims of these events.  This does not however change the fact that the dings on the credit report created by these events are completely accurate and, more to the point, can't be smoothed over or erased by this or any other "Credit Repair" company.

Also- if there are false reports that are damaging your credit score, you can get them fixed yourself without hiring a "Credit Repair" company.  So- if your credit is fixable, you can fix it yourself.  If it's not fixable, no company can fix it.  Bottom Line:  there is no legitimate market for "Credit Repair" services. 

But just as dopey rubes don't hear the word "proof" or "tribute" when watching pitches for medallions that look like 1883 silver coins or hear the word "covered repairs" when hearing pitches for crap non-auto warranties, I bet a lot of people don't hear the word "inaccurate" when watching this ad.  We're good at not hearing what we don't want to hear.  Just like we're good at pretending to have money we really don't have.  We're funny like that.  Funny, and Stupid.

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