Saturday, August 17, 2024

What's so different about these E*TRADE Baby Commercials


Most of the commercials I review simply Shouldn't Be.  Because they are dumb and don't actually "sell" anything.  They just waste time and burn brain cells and make us all a little bit more stupid.  Beyond that, they are pretty harmless.  

What's different about these E*TRADE Baby Commercials is not only that they Shouldn't Be, but that they Shouldn't Be Legal.  The children being digitally superimposed over CGI can't consent to the use of their images.  They don't agree to being made laughing stocks for the economic benefit of their parents.  They don't consent to have thoughts they don't have about a subject they can't comprehend be attributed to their images.  In short, they are being exploited.  I'm pretty sure that there's a word for this.

As to the glue-sniffers who enjoy this garbage; I have nothing for you but contempt.  Get a life.  

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