Saturday, September 7, 2024

A few quick points concerning this racist "Receipts" YouTube Show....


1.  The host, Quincy Brown, says he's also known as "Q Side B Side."  I'm willing to bet real money that he's "also known" that only by himself and a few hangers-on.  Seriously, buddy, I have never heard of you, and after watching barely a minute of this insulting wall of noise I'm quite good with never hearing anything more of you again.

2.  Around the first minute of this program, we realize that this is basically a racist's fever dream.  The way these people act is exactly how racist whites expect black people to act.  So watch this "fun" show, allegedly sponsored by Walmart, and see media images of black people as your grandparents did.  

3.  Do the YouTube Math:

a)  this channel has 3.1 million subscribers.
b)  this particular post has 3.7 million views in the ten months since it was posted.
c)  this channel with 3.1 million subscribers and 3.7 million views has generated 24,000 responses...
d)  and 20 comments.  That's Twenty.  Not even 20k, which would be tiny.  Twenty.  

All of which means that the subscriber number is fake, the views number is fake, and probably the response number is also fake.  Well, at least that restores some of my faith in humanity.  

Meanwhile, Walmart, if you really do have anything to do with this....just, why?  Is it because only 11 percent of your customer base is black, compared to 74% that is white- in other words, you just don't give a damn?  Please, explain.

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