Thursday, September 12, 2024

Betting App Commercials are the Epitome of Anything-for-a-buck Celebrity Endorsements

According to the Rutgers Addiction Center, approximately 5 million Americans have a gambling addiction.  According to the same source, only eight percent of those 5 million will ever seek help in breaking the addiction.  The other approximately 4.6 million?  Well, I guess they'll take any comfort they can in the forced, scripted mirth of two multi-millionaires who pretend to also having a gambling problem but for whom in fact gambling is NOT a problem, but an opportunity to add more $$$ to the pile.  

I can't believe I snarked on Joe Namath picking up a quick paycheck from a scammy Not-Medicare insurance company or Ernie Hudson shilling for Not Car Insurance.  At least those guys probably need the money.  

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