Saturday, September 14, 2024

Even the YouTube comments get this Indeed Commercial....


This girl wants to get out of living with her grandparents, parents and siblings and I don't blame her, but here's a some cold water in the form of that nasty thing called Reality:  The fact that a job opening has been posted on Indeed doesn't mean that there's actually a job available, let alone that this girl is going to get it.

And that kid is hysterical- he sees that the salary is around $100,000 per year and says "you're gonna be a millionaire in ten years!"  Uh, yeah- if there were no such thing as taxes, and there were no such thing as expenses.  If your sister gets that job and actually makes $100,000 a year, invests it well, and gets to live at home for free then MAYBE she'll be a millionaire in ten years.  Otherwise- kid, that is not the way life works . 

Then she gets an interview- and the family acts as if she's already been handed the job.  Like businesses don't make job postings all the time just to gauge the market, and as if companies don't interview all the time just to see who is out there.  It's very possible that there is no actual job at this company.  But if there is, how many people got exactly the same "invite" to interview?  An interview and $3 will buy you a cup of coffee at Starbucks, young lady.  Be careful- your family acts like they are ready to start spending your money before it's in your hand.

Cripes, what is going on here?  I get the feeling that the concepts of "having a job" and "getting a paycheck" are completely alien to everyone who lives under this roof.  Who is paying for what this family already has?  Whoever it is, I suspect he's going to keep shelling out while the people living on his dime continue to give themselves high-fives over being "invited" to interview.  Major Eyeroll. 

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