Monday, September 2, 2024

Seems like a necessary post in response to an unnecessary ad


...being that it's Labor Day and all....

Yes, you could adopt Paycom and farm out work you are supposed to be doing to your employees (they aren't busy enough doing the work they are already contracted to do, of course.)  OR, you could learn to manage your time and create that magical Work/Life balance that does not mean half-assing your way through either.

Some people see a guy working when he's supposed to be with his family as the kind of Go-Getter who Made This Nation Great, a guy know Knows How To Hustle and has his Nose to the Grindstone and any number of stupid cliche's invented by Capitalism to convince us all that Life IS Work.  I look at people like this and think "disorganized," not to mention "selfish"- seriously, buddy, if you are devoted to your job 24/7, you have no business being married, let alone being a dad. 

Either way, handing off your responsibilities to your employees is no more ethical than handing them off to freelance drones in Pakistani call centers.  Do your own work, or don't- and suffer the consequences.  But get your act together.  Life is too short for this crap.

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