Friday, October 4, 2024

Nothing Progressive About Any of This


Hey look, a male in an American TV commercial is being a clueless, destructive idiot while his long-suffering partner looks on with a mixture of encouragement and resignation.   Like pretty much every American TV commercial for the past thirty years.  

In this one, the Predictably Dumb Husband who somehow has a job that pays for this suburban palace and that overpriced truck is just going to keep trying to back into the driveway instead of just going in forward for some reason, and because he's equipped with male genitalia he's going to keep failing until his partner puts an end to it and- sends in a slightly more competent man to do the job.  I'm not sure why backing a truck into a driveway is a specifically male job, but I'm also not sure why American TV commercials insist on "playfully" taking down guys in every ad, but I don't work for an advertising firm so what would I know.  

Plus, I'm just an American guy so what would I know about anything that doesn't involve beer, gambling apps and breaking things anyway.  Now if you'll excuse me, I have to do some major damage somewhere while a woman looks on in quiet desperation. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

A few Quick Comments about the latest stupid State Farm Ad


1.  "What's going on here" is quickly answered with "he saved so much money bundling his insurance, he combined soccer with football."  But the question could just as easily mean "why are we standing here on the sidelines watching this" or "why are you always hanging around me, don't you have a job to do?"*

2.  "...he invented a new sport called Fruitball...." oh, whatever.  Talk about creating a gigantic glowing banner which reads STATE FARM HAS OFFICIALLY RUN OUT OF IDEAS.  What is the logical connection between saving some money and inventing a new sport?  There is none.  This is beyond Contrived; we need to invent a new word for it.  

*Seriously, though.  When is Pat Mahomes going to tell this guy to stop acting like they are joined at the hip?  Mahomes can't spend as much time with his wife as he does with this unfunny, uninteresting creep.  Shouldn't he be selling policies or denying coverage or something?  Does he actually work for State Farm, or is he just trying to make a living as Mahomes' most persistent stalker?  What the hell is going on here?