Tuesday, October 15, 2024

In the end, this Coca Cola Commercial is just a stupid wall of noise...


...and the praise being heaped on it in the comments section is entirely the work of bots or corporate simps.  There is simply no way that people actually enjoy watching people scream, take a break to drink a bottle of chemicals, and then go back to screaming.  It's beyond dumb.  It's insulting. 

I mean, for chrissakes.  All this fuss over a bottle of liquid candy with No Sugar but plenty of chemicals that have basically the same impact on your insulin levels as Actual Sugar and God Knows What Other effects on your blood and organs, not to mention the assault on your teeth. 

But shout away For Reasons ( I don't get that either.  I've never once screamed at a sporting event, and I've never appreciated the screaming of others either.  If I'm in a crowd of several tens of thousands of people, the very last thing I want to hear is screaming.  Kind of like the last thing I want to drink is a cold bottle of acesulfame potassium, aspartame, and potassium citrate. 

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