Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Another non-Progressive Progressive Commercial. This one could even be considered Dangerous.


I mean, I don't get this AT ALL.

The first guy is, as near as I can tell, attempting to get rid of a wasp's nest in the dumbest, most ineffective, most potentially dangerous way imaginable:  By waiting for it to become absolutely enormous (seriously, was the homeowner on vacation for a month in the middle of the summer?  How do you miss this?) and then standing on a ladder in the middle of a sunny day and spraying it with a can of Raid or something.   For some reason- I'm guessing Because TV- the wasps are not acting like wasps and attacking him as he sprays it. 

Meanwhile, the guy's wife- who is obviously trying to get rid of him so she be with her boyfriend and cash in the life insurance policy- cheers him on from a safe distance.  Great Life Partner you got there, buddy.

Eventually, hubby decides he can't get rid of the nest and hands the task off to a "backup"- who proceeds to go about dealing with the problem in EXACTLY THE SAME WAY.  Seriously.  There is NO difference between their strategies.  The backup isn't removing the wasp nest safely, showing up the first guy as a moron who didn't know what he was doing.  He just picks up where the first guy left off.  What the hell?

Of course, nobody who has actually had to deal with a wasp nest- especially a ridiculous made-for-TV wasp fortress like this one- would ever try to remove it in a way that could lead to serious injury or even death like these idiots are doing.  

If you insist on removing a wasp nest on your own rather than calling a professional, wait until well after sunset when the wasps are dormant or at least far less active.  Spray the nest from a safe distance while wearing thick clothing including gloves and safety goggles.  Then, cut the nest down so it drops into a heavy, sealable garbage bag.   Don't stand on a ladder in the middle of a bright sunny day wearing a t shirt spraying the nest with a weak stream of Raid as if the wasps won't react because home ownership didn't require an IQ test.  Unless you WANT to spend the rest of that bright sunny day in an ER.  Cripes.  I just can't with some of these. 

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