Sunday, December 15, 2024

The Ford F-150 is an example of everything that is wrong about America's Conspicuous Consumption Problem


The current average monthly payment for a new car purchase in the United States is $780.  The average contract term for a new car purchase is 72 months.  Six years.  

The average cost of this ridiculous truck that absolutely nobody needs in their life is $71,000.  That's the cash price, without financing.  With financing, the cost of this LookAtMeMobile could easily push past $100,000 over the span of seven years.  For a truck that, again, absolutely nobody needs.  A truck that won't be worth one-fifth what you'd pay for it by the time you are done paying for it.

Read the room, Ford.  It's 2024 and a lot of us are hurting.  There are people out there who might want this truck, but if only people who need it buy it you can't make it profitable to build it- so you have to try to sell it to people who want it but can't afford it.  So you keep making ads like this and stretching out the payment windows to make it look affordable.  While it simply isn't affordable, even with contracts of six years.  Or more.

Of course, people are free to make all the stupid decisions they want with their money.  I just don't want to see them showing up on YouTube complaining about Inflation and the Cost of Living as they bleat into their iPhones while sitting in the front seat of that truck they wanted but didn't need and can't afford.  Spare me that, at least.

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