Friday, January 10, 2025

Figuring out something about those awful Dr. Pepper "Fansville" ads


No, it's not that every single fan of the Fansville ads on YouTube is a bot.  That's obvious.  There cannot possibly be more than three or four people in the United States who ACTUALLY look forward to the "latest episode" of the lamest "series" in Commercial Land since that guy and that woman stopped flirting over instant coffee back in the 80s.  

It's that every single one of these ads is being produced by writers over the age of 70 who have not been outside of their offices or homes in thirty years.  I mean, come on- the people in this ad are reading about their favorite football team (or the National Championship Series, which has not been around for as long as the Fansville Series) in actual physical newspapers.  Most of the people watching these ad probably don't know why characters are playing with huge sheets of paper with ink on them and acting as if those sheets of paper are conveying information of some kind, like they are magic or something.  I expect to see a phone on the wall in the next ad, or maybe a television with rabbit ears.  

Or maybe these ads were all produced by young people in the 1980s and stuffed into a vault for when Dr. Pepper completely ran out of ideas- or behind glass which was labeled BREAK WHEN DESPERATE AND UNDER A RIDICULOUS DEADLINE AND LIVING IN A COUNTRY THAT WOULD ELECT DONALD TRUMP PRESIDENT, TWICE.  Either way works for me.  These ads?  They don't work for me at all. 

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