Sunday, January 12, 2025

Georgie and Mandy are CBS's way of letting us know that network television is dead


There are actually people (bots?) in the comment section excited about the premiere of this show, which is a spinoff of Young Sheldon,* which is itself a spinoff of The Big Bang Theory**.  It's like listening to people on Tuesday babble about how they can't wait to get home and reheat Monday's leftovers from Sunday's dinner.  While it's heating up, I bet if they look hard enough they can find some stale crackers in the bottom of that box on the shelf, too.  They can wash it down with that half-can of flat Diet Coke from the same Sunday dinner being reheated for a second time.

I used to think that the networks were intentionally creating shows like this to have an excuse to kill off the sitcom genre and run nothing but reality shows with whatever sporting events they can still afford to purchase away from Amazon, Netflix and Hulu.  Now I'm convinced that the streaming services are actually producing these shows to get rid of network television once and for all.  I mean, good riddance, but....I'm really hoping that the final extinction of network tv leads to a renaissance of reading rather than a wave of subscription purchases.  They say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one....

*A very popular show I've never watched even once.

**Another very popular show I've never watched even once. 

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