Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Oh look, it's a series. We love those.


I mean, we can't get enough of Stupid Clueless Men trying everything and failing badly every time.  Why not as series of ads in which the guy tries and fails and it involves sports?  (Weren't men obsessed with sports on tv five minutes ago?  And now they know nothing about it?)

At least give us some backstory on this guy to explain his cluelessness.  He was raised on the moon, for example, and has arrived on Earth in the last week and is trying to fit in.  Right now, it looks as though he just never turned on the tv or interacted with any other males of his species until yesterday and is just trying to catch up.  Because yelling "high tide" and not being aware that Oregon's mascot is a duck....wait a minute. Is this guy actually traveling around the country to show what an utter doofus he is?  What is going on here?


  1. Don’t forget in today’s world the idiots not only not only a male, but a male of a certain race. Only one demographic is susceptible to ridicule in America today.

    1. There are plenty of commercials featuring moronic black men.
