Saturday, January 25, 2025

That Ethos Life "Sweet Dreams" ad- because husbands are a dime a dozen, but this house is an appreciating asset, after all....

"Honey, I had a terrible dream last night.  You were killed in a car accident!"

Oh my gosh, that's terrible.

"Wait, I haven't gotten to the bad part yet.  Jimmy and I couldn't afford to stay in the house, so we had to move!"

Wait, what?  Ok, so was the nightmare that I was killed in a car accident?  Or that my death caused financial hardship to you and our son?

"I was asking our neighbor about life insurance and he told me about Ethos, I think you should call and buy it today."

Well, I guess that answers my question.  Gee, if this was an ad campaign for Ethos Life, I wonder what they would call it?

"Sweet dreams."

No really.  What do you think they would call....oh my god, are you serious?


  1. I thought the same thing, I can’t quit watching this commercial because of her callousness about her husbands death! It reminds me of that other Insurance commercial where the wife is yelling at John, her husband, because he didn’t get insurance for her as if she has no responsibility or ability to secure insurance for the family. At least both avoided the current trend/requirement of a black husband and white wife, lol!

    1. "Now I can sleep peacefully, knowing that if you are brutally mangled and killed in a car accident, at least we'll be able to continue to buy stuff."
