Life's full of questions- and every single one of them revolves around stains. At least, as far as this family is concerned.
This family is absolutely breathtaking in it's total lack of reasons to get up and face another day. The woman comes in to the house with a big bottle of Tide on the TOP of her grocery bag, suggesting that either she did her own bagging or the guy who did hates her. I mean, come on- nobody puts heavy bottles of detergent on top of groceries. That's just stupid.
From the moment she steps in the door, she's deluged with questions concerning laundry- if a color is "dark" or "light" (never in my life have I separated dark and light clothes; is that even still a thing? I wash all my clothes in cold water, that's all.) What should one use to get out chocolate (since the answer to all such questions is "Tide," because that's the detergent the insane woman who does the shopping and brings home crushed food every time she does purchases, it's kind of a mystery why they are even being asked.) Does this family talk about anything else, ever?
Oh yeah- "do crabs have eyebrows?" Probably not, but instead of sitting there with that stupid ugly perplexed face, you could look it up or at least ask Alexa, Idiot Mom. But I'm guessing it's not lack of knowledge about crabs or eyebrows that has mom stumped. It's just that the question has nothing to do with laundry and what's that all about anyway? Ask how to get out crab stains, kid. Stay in your mom's lane.
At the risk of sounding mean or shallow, every time I see this ad I think how unattractive that woman is, especially with that hairstyle