Full Disclosure: I have a Capital One credit card. I use it for big purchases (airplane tickets, hotels, stuff like that.) I have nothing against credit cards as long as they don't prey on economics-challenged desperate people who are on their way to Payday loans with plastic cards as a temporary way station. They are useful tools when used correctly.
My only reason for making this post is because this morning I got my daily "Well Deserved!" email from Capital One, which as usual offered to "reward" me with an offer to buy something. According to Capital One, pretty much everything I "deserve" involves an opportunity to use my card and accumulate debt. I deserve debt? I should reward myself with more debt? This sense no makes.
If Capital One would really like to reward me with something, how about more rewards points or a lower interest rate? I think I Deserve those things.
By the way, this commercial was made in 2006. I bet those actors playing the parents of that fat doofus are dead now. Maybe fat doofus son is dead too, unless he got that weight under control. Pardon me for being morbid. It's Monday, after all.