Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Another Audi "we are just asking you to hate these people" ad

All is forgiven if this guy, his tablet, and his "obsession" end up impaled together by the steering wheel of his fucking 1% DoucheMobile.  (The steering wheel he personally selected, of course.)

Seriously, Audi- as if 99.9 percent of the country could give a flying damn about a guy spending hours scrolling his finger across a screen to "manufacture" the exact Audi which would be perfect for him right down to the fricking color and tire style.  Especially those of us who can't afford one-tenth the frigging house this guy is living in - oh, or that god damned tablet, either.

So please, shove this obnoxious little nugget of hate back into that dark orifice you pulled it from in the first place, ok?

Oh, and just die. Now.  Please.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Nothing but nonstop hilarity over at Legal Seafoods

In the "grampa" commercial I snarked on a few weeks back, the "funny" tagline was that grampa dies and falls in the water, leaving little grandson hi-LARIOUSLY muttering "uh oh."

Because what could be funnier than grampa dying on a fishing trip with grandson?  Nothing, right?

Well, just hold on there.  Check this one out- a couple is out fishing together.  The female can't stop complaining.  So the male MURDERS HER AND TOSSES HER OVERBOARD.

LOL ROTFLMAO!!  I mean, someone call Nancy Grace, this one's got everything!

And to think that I came across this video trying to find the Legal Seafoods Commercial featuring a guy intentionally giving himself a concussion with a ceiling fan, and a woman crawling into a dryer and taking a spin (no, I'm not kidding.)  Neither scene even comes with a fricking "Scenes Simulated, Do Not Attempt" disclaimer.

This is better.  Which is to say much, much worse.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Summer Break for the Commercial Curmudgeon!

First- please don't feel obligated to watch this hammy idiot point at stuff that happens to be in the United Kingdom.  I didn't.  The title of this video just suggested that it met my needs so I embedded it, because....

For the next ten days or so, I'm going to be touring England, Scotland and Wales.  I've wanted to visit the UK my entire life, and having put it off for various reasons I've finally run out of excuses not to go.  I won't have any internet access while I'm there, so my blog will be on hiatus until I return, early on July 23.

Shortly after I get back from across the pond (see, I'm already at least 10 percent more pretentious, and I haven't even left yet) I'll be taking another week off for the annual family trip to the beach, and the site will be out of commission then, too, but in between I'll be sure to drop in a few posts.  I like to pretend that this site is important and that some people will actually miss it (hey, don't deprive me of my delusions of significance!)

Anyway, I'll be back on the 23rd, so until then please enjoy the archives- or better yet, get offline and go outside and do something more worthwhile.    See you in the too-near future!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Geico Presents "Ted is Better Off" Theater

Let's see if we've got this right:

Ted doesn't have Geico, so instead of using his tripped-out phone to schedule an appointment with a claims adjuster after a hailstorm, he's on hold with his insurance company.  Meanwhile, Ted's girlfriend is giving him some "you are no longer a Male to me" look because-- his insurance company has him on hold.  I guess.

What am I missing here?  If Ted were a Real Man, he'd use his Amazing Alpha Male Powers to force his insurance company to bump him to the front of the wait list?

Meanwhile, a CGI pig whose car also suffered hail damage has no problem getting through to his insurance company because Geico has an App which allows it to report the problem without actually speaking to a human being.  That's right- Geico offers an App which allows pigs to file insurance claims, so they can get back to their lives which, by the way, are a lot more fun than mine.

Ted's girlfriend is so put out by the fact that Ted is distracted for more than a few minutes by his need to contact his insurance provider that she dumps him-- for the CGI pig.

Let's review.  Ted's car suffered damage.  Ted called his insurance company.  While he was on hold, his girlfriend dumped him for a digital pig.

This is supposed to be an argument for switching to Geico.  I think it's an argument for not dating impatient, "the universe revolves around me and if you inconvenience me I'm dumping you for a pig" girls.  I know it's not the message you wanted to send, Geico, but I appreciate it anyway.

Chevy Independence Day Commercial features two fantasies

1.  The Customers Who Just Want to Sign on the Dotted Line and Empty Their Wallets Fantasy.  Since this entire ad turns out to be the dream of a car salesman, it may be retitled "Getting My Commission Without Lifting a Finger."  The car salesman imagines that all he has to do is place himself strategically on the sales floor, and he'll be mobbed by drooling customers who will keep him busy all day selling cars as if they were McGreaseburgers on the Dollar Menu.   Maybe he imagines this because he sees it in pretty much every car commercial ever made by anybody.  Never in real life, mind you- but hey, this IS a dream after all.

2.  The You Can Have a Successful, Middle-Class Lifestyle As A Car Salesman Fantasy.  This guy wakes up to two little kids and an adoring, beautiful wife in what looks to be a rather substantial suburban house (ok, look, I have no idea how nice this house is.  It's summer, and I'm kind of doing these in a hurry, ok? Sue Me!)   In real life, car salesman don't make crap and unless they OWN the dealership or are related to the guy who does, they tend to move on to actual paying jobs as quickly as possible.  (Ok, I don't know this for sure either- I only know that if I was facing life as a car salesman, it would be a short life, and that's the way I would want it.)

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Legal Sea Foods "It's funny because grampa is dead" is at least an original idea

I'm pretty sure I've never seen anyone actually die in a commercial before.  But as near as I can tell, this kid's grandfather actually passes away while fishing from his favorite pier.  (You might reply "no, John, you cold jerk- he just fell asleep."  But if that's the case, why do we get the line "nothing makes me feel MORE ALIVE than fishing?"  Sorry.  Not buying it.  Grampa's dead.)

And then his body falls into the ocean.

The last thing we hear is an "uh oh" from his grandson, which I am pretty sure is supposed to be the "punchline."  Because what could possibly be more funny and entertaining than a grandfather dying while teaching his grandson how to fish?

Thanks, Legal Seafood!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The Deluxe Version will get you down to a Size Five, no problem

Favorite image:  Guy getting totally turned off at his girlfriend's scaly, dry lizard feet.

Image I'll never get out of my head: Showing the Proper Disposal of dead skin cells in an ashcan.  Yuck.

Totally Predictable Image:  The Special Free Offer of Not Socks, Just Pay Separate Shipping and Handling.

Totally Predictable Reaction:  I post a blog commenting about how stupid and weird and disgusting this all is, all the time secretly wishing that I had recognized the need for a low-impact sand blaster for the foot.  Dammit, I could be so rich now.