Sunday, August 9, 2015

One more Yes You Can and this guy gets shipped to Gitmo

I'm as liberal as they come, but.....

It would have been perfectly ok with me if the Department of Homeland Security had interrupted this pointless little "argument" by clubbing Mr. Yes You Can to death with billy clubs.  Or at least slamming his face into the x-ray machine, confiscating his passport, and sticking him on the No Fly List for the next thirty years.  Even though he does seem to be in the only airport in the United States featuring a "line" consisting of exactly four people at security.

Actually, I think that if this guy pulls one more "yes you can," that fourth person in line is going to do the clubbing honors.  I can only see part of her face and her elbow, but it looks like she's had just about enough of this conversation.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Another stupid man gets a well-deserved slapdown*

It's so funny when guys in commercials try to do things that don't involve cars, trucks, barbecues or killing weeds, don't you think?

This guy thought he was finally doing something right when he bought the bargain brand dishwashing detergent.  Hey look, honey, I'm saving us money!

Haha, loser.  Your wife is setting you back into your place and setting you straight- sure, you "saved" a little money, but now we have to use twice as much, Dumbass Why Don't You Stay In The Garage Until It's Time To Get Me Pregnant Again Idiot Man?  And now it's back to the store to buy what every woman knows is the GOOD detergent- bet you bump into a few other moron males who thought they could buy detergent too.  Jackass.

I bet this doofus even buys bread and clothes and tries to parent his kids every once in a while, and it always turns out badly because....hey, he's a guy.  Probably spends half his life apologizing for trying to act like he knows what he's doing.  If he would just stick to buying Round-Up and pickups, they'd both be better off.

*snark, of course.  Just imagine the roles being reversed in this ad, with the guy lecturing his wife and sending her back to the store.  Maybe in 1955.  Not today.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Three days later, someone's bloated corpse washes up on the beach, and the investigation begins

Personally, I think this guy should drive that SUV into the ocean and get this over with.

Failing that, however....

Is this guy used to being berated about taking the garbage out?  If so, why is he so damned happy about it?

Why is this woman thanking him for taking the garbage out?  Does he thank her for doing all of her chores?  And why is she so damned happy about "needing to talk?"  "Needing to talk" is never good news and is never anything to smile about.

Why is this woman so damned happy about applying for a Medicaid Supplement Plan (or Insurance or something- I don't know.  I don't care.  I just know it's not worth that Check Out My Dentures Smile?)  Is she on serious drugs, or what?

"Did you do your situps?"  Jeesh, lady- he looks like he's a retired man in his 70s who has enough testosterone to go kayaking, and enough money to own his own kayak which he can strap on the top of his SUV All By Himself, or at the very least with your help.  Situps?  He's about to row around in a kayak.  Is he in training for a triathalon?  It's not like you're asking if he took his heart meds or blood thinners.  He's about to row a freaking kayak!  Maybe he doesn't need to do situps today!

The guy responds to his wife's declaration "I think we need to look into spending more money" with a "right now?"  But we don't get an answer from the wife.  Next thing we know, she's moved on to nagging him about his situps.  So, did they get on their iPhone and order the extra coverage?  Or did they just agree to have this talk at a more appropriate time- like, when the guy isn't driving his SUV or getting ready to row a kayak?

Personally, I'd be a little worried if my spouse suddenly mentioned the need for more insurance just before we went out kayaking.  I wouldn't turn my back on her, that's all I'm saying.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

They'll "grow up?" You mean, unlike their idiot parents, Microsoft?

So....our kids will be even more helpless, techno-obsessed dweebs than their parents?  Great.  Someone tell them- if they are smart, they'll delay moving beyond blankies and soft toys and on to "play with this electronic stuff because Mommy is really busy downloading Aps right now" junk as long as possible.

Oh, and they'll grow up with Windows 10- really?  Like kids two years ago were going to grow up with Windows 8?  Like Microsoft won't be apologizing for all of the bugs in Windows 10 this time next year, and by the time the infants and toddlers shown in this ad are heading off to preschool they won't be "growing up" with Windows 12?  We are supposed to believe this?

(BTW, what is with that last kid?  Is that supposed to be charming?  Because I found it a lot more creepy and weird than charming.)

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Trying to understand this Miller Lite ad...

I mean, I should give it a shot since it's going to be on every commercial break during the Orioles-Tigers game this afternoon, right?

So this guy is heading off to do Karaoke - and feels compelled to let the convenience store know about it.  Before he goes, however, he needs to buy a six pack of light beer.

1.  Why?  Don't Karaoke bars serve beer?  He clearly doesn't need to drink a few beers before he works up the nerve to sing in front of an audience, since at the drop of a hat he'll belt out a line for a total stranger (who really needs that condescending smirk wiped off his face btw.)  Maybe it's for the audience, which might respond better to his crooning after a few beers?

2.  Am I supposed to think it's charming that the smarmy convenience store guy needs to know what they guy's plans are for the night?  Um, is this an f--ing store or not?  Ask for my ID, give me my change, mind your own g-d damned business, smarmy convenience story monkey.

As for the "let's hear some," um-- no.  Come to the bar and hear me sing there if you want.  I'm not your f--ng trained seal, knob.

3.  If this guy is going to do Karaoke, why would he be at all gobsmacked when a woman comes in during his idiot screeching?  Oh right- because he's not drunk yet?

4.  How is any of this supposed to make me thirsty for watered-down beer?

Meh, no.  I still don't get it.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Oh please....

1.  Groom discovers that everything isn't perfect for his wedding day- the ceremony had been planned for the top of a mountain, probably he and his bride's favorite spot on the planet, maybe even where they first met.  Considering the number of chairs, the plan was for a very, very small wedding and darn, it wouldn't you know it- while the weather was fine during set-up, by the time of the actual ceremony it was just pouring and windy as hell.

No problem- instead of showing any sign of being able to change plans, Groom just piles everyone attending the wedding- again, this is a VERY small wedding party- into his LookAtMeMobile, making it the first time ever he can actually justify owning the damn thing.  The Happy Couple get married exactly where they planned, never mind the rain coming in sideways and the chairs flying everywhere and the ring girl being tossed by the 80-MPH winds to her death (ok, so that's not actually shown, but still....)

2.  Bride thinks this is all wonderful.  Ok, stop right there.  I've been to plenty of weddings, and I've seen a lot of brides as they've prepared for weddings.  There is no freaking way that this woman is happy about this rain-soaked rush job.  Unless her new hubby has promised a do-over in a few months at some tropical or otherwise intensely exotic location, I'm not buying her reaction at all.  Jeesh, my fiancee almost killed her best friend because she didn't hurl herself out the window when she pricked her finger and drew blood while working on her dress.  Later, she threw a hissy fit when we got into the Just Married car and found that it had been playfully filled with balloons.  If it had rained during the ceremony, I'm sure she would have killed at least several people and blamed me for not willing the clouds away.  And our wedding was held INSIDE.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

I'm surprised Chevy let them keep their clothes on

Know what the saddest thing is about this horrible lump of pain disguised as a commercial?

It's not the kid in the background banging on a toy piano during the whole thing, though that is pretty damned awful.  It's not that it's allegedly trying to sell us cars, and never you damn mind that 90 percent of it has absolutely nothing to do with cars at all.

It's not the Real People: Not Actors caption, though that's part of it.  I'm sorry to see that these people are not actors, because if they were acting, they'd have an excuse for this awfulness.

No, the saddest thing about this ad is that Chevrolet got a group of total strangers into a room, sat them down at a table with nametags, started asking them probing, embarressing questions about themselves so that they could be laughed at by the others- and not one of them responded by getting up and leaving.  Clearly, the cameras and the implied promise of facetime in a commercial for SOMETHING was enough to keep these soulless cretins in their seats,   It's almost frightening to think what the choad Chevy tool running this thing might have asked, knowing damn well that no level of humiliation and shame would have convinced these dignity-deficient bags of mucus to say "F--this" and just. Walk. Away.

Hope you enjoyed your moment in the --umm. "spotlight," you ugly nobodies.  Was it really worth it?