Wednesday, April 6, 2016

How do the lawn care professionals get around all that damn furniture, anyway?

As you can tell from the title, I think about this stuff way too much.  That being said.....

1.  This family should be called the Allergys, not the Yardleys.

2.  The kids on the couch aren't doing anything other than glancing awkwardly at each other.  If she were my daughter, I'd have no problem with this.  It sure doesn't look like it's going to go any further- after all, they look like they are about 12 years old.  And outdoors.  In broad daylight.

3.  Including Little Brother in Dad's "triumph" really ramps up the Creepy meter here.  Why would Little Brother care that his sister is hanging out with a boy on the lawn?

4.  I can't believe this is part of a series of commercials about the same family which loves its chemically-produced lawn so very much that it moved the furniture outside to be close to it all the time.  Oh wait, yes I can.  Because stupid knows no boundaries in the land of tv commercials.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

The song isn't good enough. I'm going to need actual evidence of brain activity before I buy this one

Actually, if you had a brain, you would have planned out your life just a little bit better than you did, getting the college degree before the two kids and a mortgage.  You know, so you don't have to study while they sleep, and all that.

And if you really had a brain, you wouldn't be shelling out your money to a For-Profit "Education" service monster birthed by the Apollo Group, an organization becoming increasingly well-known for taking money from desperate, poor and easily-manipulated dreamers and delivering worthless degrees and mountains of debt in exchange.   You'd be going to a real college and not a Diploma Mill.

So sorry, I know you mean well but I'm not going to give you a whole hell of a lot of credit for the way you planned out your life.  Not to be mean, but let's be honest- this isnt' what you are going to encourage your kids to do when they get older, is it?

"When you get out of High School get married and quickly have two kids- once you find yourself with mortgage payments you can't handle, sign up for even more debt with a crooked bs online non-college and spend the next three years completing the work needed for the Print At Home 'diploma' while you are half-asleep from the two jobs you'll need to hold down while you see your kids for roughly twenty minutes a day."   Yeah, sounds like a plan, Brainiac.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Because I can find a way to snark on pretty much any are two for the price of one!

Anyone else think that the message of this otherwise very nice, very well-done commercial is muted somewhat by the fact that the kid is standing on what is obviously a stump?

The real horror of this commercial is not immediately apparent.  It only comes when you realize that they are rhyming.  As in- oh my freaking god, they are rhyming.  And suddenly what you thought was an annoyance becomes a war crime, complete with a sound track brought to you by a total freaking sellout of what I thought was a pretty cool rock group.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Not at all funny....

Seriously, does Heart Rate MonitorsUSA think that this is going to win me as a customer?  What idiot thought that this "joke" was a good idea?

First rule of marketing- don't tick off the base.  I buy fitness devices from time to time.  I will probably look elsewhere after this crap.

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Thursday, March 31, 2016

Ahhhhh this is a really obnoxious commercial, Cigna!

Seriously, I think I'd rather have my ears battered by a Kit-Kat commercial than have to listen to this awfulness.  At least Kit-Kat ads don't feature one idiot after another sticking out their damn tongues.

I get that the message is kind of important- yeah, we should all get regular checkups and yeah, insurance companies should pay for them because, after all, regular checkups mean problems caught at the early stage when they can be dealt with for the least amount of money and pain.  Get it.

Still doesn't mean I want all this "aaaaahhhhhh" crap, especially for thirty freaking seconds.  I GET it.  It's an important message.  It's NOT clever.  It does NOT make me like anyone in the ad.  Actually, it makes me want to HURT them.  Especially at the end, when these people are saying "ahhh" for no freaking reason at all except the script demands it.  Ahhhhh I don't get paid enough to do this blog.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Aim High, Sister!

Oh boo-freaking-hoo, Supermom.  Nobody tazered and tagged you and tossed you into Suburbia so you could wake up one day with several constantly-dirty children and a worthless husband.  And guess what?  There are millions of women out there who not only do all this crap without a State of the Art Whirlpool, but with no washing machine at all.

But here's a tissue to go with your cape, Wonder Woman.  Maybe you'll get a chance to use it if you ever climb down from that cross.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Happy Chocolate Pagan Bunny Day!

1.  I never committed a sin before I was born, so I didn't need someone to take the fall for me 2000 years ago.

2.  There is nothing moral or just about a person being tortured to death as payment for something someone else did.  Blood doesn't wash away sins.

3.  I will not be guilted into loving or worshipping or following someone because he allegedly let himself be tortured and/or because he claims to love me.  This sounds like a classic battered spouse relationship- "I suffered for you, so if you don't worship me you are a horribly ungrateful human being."

4.  I don't need a "relationship" with a fictional character to be a worthwhile person or to achieve fulfillment in my life.  And you can't convince me that I do or that I'm sad "deep inside" because I don't "get it."

5.  So many of these "Jesus Loves Me" people pose as admirers of Israel and of Jews, but their own doctrines make very clear that Heaven is open only "through Christ."  Martin Luther, for example, stated that Redemption and Salvation are possible outside the Church but "not outside Christ."  If the people I know and work with every day aren't welcome into heaven, it's too exclusive for me, too.

6.  Jesus "loves me" but he'll never help me with my taxes, or in keeping my house clean, or take a walk with me, or drink coffee with me at the local Starbucks, or take in a movie with me, or do any of the thousand things my real, non-imaginary friends do with me.  His love and $1 will buy me a hamburger at McDonald's.  Given the choice, I'll take the $1.

Enjoy your chocolates.