Friday, September 2, 2022
My Quick Answer To Pizza Hut's Stupid Question
Sunday, August 28, 2022
This Universally Hated Verizon Commercial....
Saturday, August 27, 2022
Picking on Dominos some more: the ultimate in First World Struggles
Friday, August 26, 2022
A little friendly advice to Stacy- and Dominos
Stacy: Maybe stop envisioning Dominos pizza as a viable food choice for a while. Maybe get more fruits, veggies and protein and less starch, sugar, and such-wise empty carbs. Because, I'm sorry, but in your own language, Stacy girl you ain't lookin' too good. That pizza you had last night is not your friend. That pizza you are heating up to eat today is not your friend. Preparing healthy food and cooking for yourself is hard. Diabetes is also hard. Choose your Hard.
Dominos: Could you stop being Stacy's drug dealer, please? I know the delivery guy is not a therapist- heck, he's probably not even a Life Coach although I can't be certain because there are approximately as many Life Coaches out there as there are Amazon delivery drivers and I'd go to the latter for advice before the former. But he's got to see that he's delivering disease and death to this woman every time he rings the bell. Maybe stop trying to find ways to make it easier for Stacy to access your piles of cheap, warm junk for a while? Maybe stop being part of a big problem for Stacy and approximately half of the population of the United States for just a LITTLE WHILE?
Sunday, August 21, 2022
FanDuel is a part, and a product, of the times
Friday, August 19, 2022
Smirnoff's "give the people what they want" commercial
Tuesday, August 16, 2022
Herb quit smoking with Chantix. And that was the beginning of all his problems.