...because what more could you want with your order of cheap bread, cheese and sauce in the shape of a saucer than another order of cheap bread and cheese- hey, we'll even throw in some dipping sauce!- on the side?
And if the pizza-in-another-form doesn't serve your addiction to processed, fatty, sugary garbage, well, here's some bite-sized chocolate-y goo things- at least, I think that's what it is. Domino's just refers to it here as "something else." Which is at least honest- yeah, I can't come up with labels for what are basically leftovers from the pizza creation process repackaged into free* crap Domino's will give you along with your box of warm non-nutrition. Anything to keep you coming back to this particular Diabetes Promotion Facility instead of Pizza Hut, Taco Bell, McDonald's, Burger King, etc. etc. ETC.
*free if you ignore the billions of dollars in federal subsidies given to the wheat, corn (and corn sugar) and dairy (here's an idea- don't just put cheese ON the pizza! Put it IN the pizza! And put it in something called "cheesy bread" and and sell or give that away as a "side."
(I keep remembering a page from my science textbook back in High School which included the "Food Pyramid" which was promoted by the federal government after WWII as a way of propping up Agribusiness. Even then I thought that the pyramid promoted the consumption of a ridiculous amount of food-
I mean, seriously. Six servings of rice, pasta, cereal, and/or bread every day? Three servings of milk, yogurt and/or cheese every day? Who needs to eat meat twice a day? And how does one eat cereal six times a day but also "use sweets sparingly?" Oh, and I also remember this line on the same page: "Of course, milk should be your drink at every meal." Um, WHY? Why would ANYONE need to drink that much MILK? Not to mention that if people drink three glasses of milk a day, why would they also need to take calcium and Vitamin D supplements? So Big Pharma was in on this with Big Agriculture?