1. This guy needs to stop grossing out his family and wear some socks.*
2. This kid needs to find something to do that keeps her attention so she isn't distracted by her dad's gross feet.**
3. Is the doctor sitting in the living room with these people? I don't understand how she's taking part in this conversation.
4. Why is this kid yelling for mom? Oh right- because dad's being stupid, and mom will fix this. Mom fixes everything. Because Television.
5. Why are non-medical experts constantly being encouraged to Ask Their Doctor If This Drug Is Right For You? Isn't that kind of their job already? Oh right- yes, it's the doctor's job to diagnose and prescribe, but it's the patient's job to "helpfully suggest" expensive prescriptions rather than over-the-counter treatments- unless, of course, the problem is back pain, in which case it's Go Get a Salon Pas Patch and Get Out of My Office Already.
*seriously, put on some socks you gross, weird little man.
**seriously. I assume that this house has more than one room. Is there a reason you're required to play eighteen inches from your father's disgusting toes?