This girl with a very punchable face has a rather interesting reaction to making eye contact with someone she recognizes but whose name she cannot remember- she instantly ducks back into the next room. We can only imagine what that guy is thinking- "hey, there's a girl I have met before- oh, what happened? She saw me and instantly dived into the next room. Does she owe me money, or what?"
Because just approaching and saying "hi, I know we met at the Wingate party a few months ago- I'm sorry, but your name isn't popping into my head right now" and just being reminded by an actual carbon-based life form is unthinkable, right? Makes much more sense to jump out of the scene and consult that electronic device that might as well be surgically attached to your hand. Never mind that if this guy knows this tech exists, it will take him all of twenty seconds to figure out why you acted like a toddler who touched her hand to a hot stove when you first made eye contact- and it's not just because you have access to this tech. It's because tech like this has turned you into a literal toddler who can't function without the bells and whistles that come with your iPhone.
This girl's generation is so sad.