It's hard to imagine ad actors acting less naturally and more stilted than the ones featured in this ad for....well, let's hold that thought.
I mean, look at them. Zombie Mom with the stupid smile frozen to her face just keeps talking to her car, asking it to do things she either doesn't really need done (does she really not know where the soccer field is?) or it can't do (what does she mean, "take us to the soccer field?" It's not a self-driving car. All it can do is give directions. Guess what, Zombie Mom? GPS is available on pretty much every car nowadays) Oh, and she asks it to remind her to order pizza- something she could have asked Google to do from her phone.
Meanwhile, that stupid kid in the back just keeps laughing at something- from what we see, she seems to be laughing at her mother's constant commands for Google to remind her to blink every few seconds so she doesn't forget. The kid looks to be a preteen, but not a toddler, and only a very small toddler would find her mother talking to Google and get responses funny. Even a very small toddler would only find it funny two or three times.
Let's get back to that first, interrupted thought. What is this an ad for? The only thing that is being sold is Google. Nothing this woman does can't be done using her phone. Why would anyone buy a 40k car from a rapidly failing company to get the exact same voice-activation assistance available from a refurbished Samsung phone available on Amazon? And there's absolutely nothing else being pitched to us here- just the super-convenient, and apparently Super Fun, Google On Demand system which might have been revolutionary back in 2015 but is about as groundbreaking as SiriusXM today.
Someone please, tell me what I'm missing here.